Entries by Glenn Meeks

Harvested Wood Products

As governments and policymakers search for solutions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and mitigate climate change, the role of forests and harvested wood products becomes an ever more important part of the discussion. Harvested timbers from forests are converted from raw materials into many different types of Harvested Wood Products (HWPs) that include everything […]

Today I Learned-Wood Stringer Pallets-Part 1

For those in the wood pallet industry, pallet types, pallet parts, and vocabulary are second nature. The terms and topics are a part of doing business everyday. For those outside of the pallet industry that may be tasked with buying pallets, these terms and topics can be difficult to understand or there may be some […]

The Wide World of Wood on the Web

Here at Nature’s Packaging we love wood and are always on the lookout for new resources where we can learn more about it. Recently, we discovered this gem of a website: The Wood Database   The website creator is a gentleman named Eric Meier. As a woodworker, he found himself using the library to find […]

Are You Ready for Sustainability Scoring?

For many companies, the economic downturn in 2020 meant that sustainability was less important than survival. Supply chains were tested, shocked, and stretched with the results being an extended wait for critical replenishment or empty shelves altogether. The need for sustainable policies didn’t evaporate as businesses continued to call for mitigating their impact on the […]

The New Nature’s Packaging

Welcome Friends! The Pallet Foundation, in conjunction with the National Wooden Pallet and Container Association, the Western Pallet Association, and the Canadian Wood Pallet and Container Association are proud to present the newly re-designed Nature’s Packaging website! The new website is now more user-friendly than ever with easier navigation and packed full of resources that […]

Renewable Resources-Woody Biomass

Wood is one of nature’s best and most abundant renewable resources and human beings have used wood in a myriad of ways since time immemorial. In lockstep with technological progress, the utilization of wood products has advanced to create new opportunities in such diverse fields as architecture, computer technology, and energy consumption. In this week’s […]

The Triple Bottom Line

As issues related to climate change, recycling of resources, and carbon emissions become ever more important to the public, many companies are being guided by the present social awareness and political initiatives to implement more sustainability practices into their normal business operations. Additionally, many C-suite executives of companies are using their leadership to focus on […]

All Things Wood: USFS-Forest Products Laboratory

With a recycling rate at 95%, wood pallets and containers are an essential part of environmentally friendly initiatives to create a more sustainable supply chain. Much of the research in wood products as a renewable, sustainable resource is conducted by the forest products industry in conjunction with government entities. In this week’s post, Nature’s Packaging […]

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