
Nature’s Packaging was developed with the support of the Pallet Foundation, a non-profit foundation, the National Wooden Pallet & Container Association (NWPCA), the Canadian Wood Pallet and Container Association (CWPCA), and Western Pallet Association (WPA).

Like Nature’s Packaging, there are other U.S. and Canadian partnerships that tell the positive and winning story of wood’s renewable and environmental advantages. Through these initiatives, North American communities are increasingly coming together to celebrate wood.

  • #ForestProud is a cutting-edge communications effort powered by the Society of American Foresters (SAF) and supported by a diverse coalition of organizational supporters and project partners and people across the sector committed to stewarding and championing forest climate solutions. As a community, they are committed to keeping forests as forests, reimagining its cities, rethinking our carbon future, and reconnecting people to forests.
  • reThink Wood is a U.S. and Canadian partnership which challenges us, yes, to reThink Wood. Their website projects a unified North American front as it relates to wood performance, cost and sustainability, while educating the market about the advantages of using wood in building construction.
  • Two Sides North America explains that, in fact, there are Two Sides to every story. Through carefully researched facts they explode the myths and set the record straight about the sustainability of print and paper.
  • WoodWorks, is a cooperative venture of major North American wood associations as well as government agencies and other funding partners. WoodWorks was established to provide free technical support as well as education and resources related to the design of non-residential and multi-family wood buildings.
  • The American Wood Council and Canadian Wood Council similarly work together in a close fashion on environmental issues.
  • Wood Naturally is tailored to the design community.

North American partnerships continue to put forests first, with an extensive array of forest certification programs that further encourage and support sustainable forestry through standards and guidelines. Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification, Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Canadian Standards Association, American Tree Farm System, and Forest Stewardship Council, among others help assure the world’s best practices occur in North America. These responsible partnerships benefit local economies and forests, and now cover more than 500 million acres in North America.

The “wood wins” partnership model isn’t unique to North America. Groups like FEFPEB, the European association that represents all national timber packaging associations, has conducted critically important research that further supports wood as the most economic and friendly transport and packaging material. FEFPEB’s website, Packaging from Nature, was an inspiration to do similar great work here in North America.

These are just a few examples of some wood industry network partnerships that prove: Working Together Works!

Wood is Nature’s Packaging.

© 2024 Nature's Packaging® is federally registered with the U.S. Copyright Office by the National Wooden Pallet & Container Association. All rights reserved.