Entries by Glenn Meeks

How do Trees Grow?

How do Trees Grow? Wood is strong, flexible, and has been used in a variety of building applications for hundreds of years because it is safe and is a renewable resource. There are many external factors that can affect trees and thus the quality of lumber they produce.  These external factors can have significant impacts […]

A Quick Take on the Growth Cycle of Trees

A Quick Take on the Growth Cycle of Trees Trees within forests are like wind and solar power in that they are a renewable resource. Whereas wind and solar energy can be regenerated relatively continuously, trees require more time to convert solar energy to wood so it can be utilized. In this article we’ll take […]

Mars Corp Creates a Sustainable Plan

Mars Corp Creates a Sustainable Plan Our world’s natural sources are limited and more big businesses seem to be taking the initiative to lower their environmental impact, preserving these limited, valuable resources.  Mars Corp. recently launched their Sustainable in a Generation Plan that is intended to create a healthier planet by doing what’s right instead […]

Illegal Logging Stopped In Its Tracks

Illegal Logging Stopped In Its Tracks Illegal logging is a serious issue that has a tremendous impact on the timber industry and our world’s natural wood resources.  It is believed that illegal logging is one of the leading causes for the degradation of the world’s forests.  Luckily IoT based technology might just change the effects […]

Could Life on Mars Flourish with Sustainably Managed Forests?

Could Life on Mars Flourish with Sustainably Managed Forests? The red planet is one of the last places you would normally associate with sustainability. Yet, this might just change in the near future. A team of engineers and architects at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) recently won the Mars City Design competition with their buildings […]

Wood Pallet Businesses Recycle Burnt Trees from Forest Fires

Wood Pallet Businesses Recycle Burnt Trees from Forest Fires Forest fires are one of the most destructive natural disasters that can possibly hit dense forest areas.  It is hard to contemplate why anyone would ever consider forest fires to be ‘needed’ when so many trees, animals, plants and resources get destroyed during these fires. However, […]

USDA Grant Awards for Forest Sustainability

USDA Grant Awards for Forest Sustainability All forests are important.  Without forests our world would quickly plunge into chaos due to a lack of natural resources to support civilization.  It is important to take good care of our forests but this is no simple task.  Government sectors are making huge advancements in protective programs in […]

Microbial Benefits of Wood Pallets

Microbial Benefits of Wood Pallets Food microbiologists are constantly studying microorganisms that often inhabit or contaminate food. The main purpose of their research and studies is to prevent food spoilage that result from contamination and to prevent the spread human illnesses.  Food microbiologists are constantly developing new methods and giving precautions to prevent food spoilage […]

Canada’s Forest Sector Leads the Way for Bioeconomy

Canada’s Forest Sector Leads the Way for Bioeconomy In our modern and very digital world, pressure is put on limited natural resources like petroleum, charcoal, gas because of the huge demand for plastic and energy products.  Just about everything seems to be going plastic which results in depleting Earth’s natural resources.  It is quite refreshing […]

6 Best Canadian Parks To Visit In The Fall

6 Best Canadian Parks To Visit In The Fall Fall is one of the best times to go exploring. The French author Albert Camus is credited for saying, “Autumn is the second spring when every leaf turns into a flower.” According to the National Wildlife Federation’s website, the color of a tree’s autumnal leaf is […]

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