Entries by Glenn Meeks

Turning Wood Scrap into Useful Adhesive Tape

Turning Wood Scrap into Useful Adhesive Tape Adhesive tape is generally made from petroleum-based products, but engineers working at the University of Delaware have figured out a way to use wood-based products to make adhesive tape of comparable quality, by using a throwaway component of processed wood. Paper manufacturers usually just discard lignin, since it […]

How Wood Fiber Could Resolve the Global Plastic Problem

How Wood Fiber Could Resolve the Global Plastic Problem If you weren’t aware that our planet has a problem with plastic, consider the fact that every piece of plastic ever made could take hundreds of years to decompose. According to CBS News, if you were to put all that plastic end-to-end, it could go to […]

Benefits of Community-based Natural Resource Management

Benefits of Community-based Natural Resource Management It was in 1997 that the Community-based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) project was established in Mozambique Africa, for the purpose of empowering local communities to assume some level of control over how their environments would be managed. This literally constituted a shift in power away from the central government, […]

Storm-Damaged Trees Salvaged for Value

Storm-Damaged Trees Salvaged for Value In the past, whenever trees were brought down or completely destroyed by heavy winds and storms, or even by some type of disease which ravaged whole stands of trees, those trees had to be discarded in landfills or ground up to be burned. However, a family-run sawmill in Mississauga, Ontario, […]

Benefits of Community-based Natural Resource Management

Benefits of Community-based Natural Resource Management It was in 1997 that the Community-based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) project was established in Mozambique Africa, for the purpose of empowering local communities to assume some level of control over how their environments would be managed. This literally constituted a shift in power away from the central government, […]

Is Wood-based Alcohol the Latest Trend?

Is Wood-based Alcohol the Latest Trend? Who would ever have thought it possible to somehow transform wood into an alcoholic beverage? And yet, that strange-sounding process has already been accomplished on a small scale by researchers in Japan and in the United States. The Japanese alcohol produced is expected to rival that of a fine […]

BestInAU Praises Benefits of Wood Packaging

BestInAU Praises Benefits of Wood Packaging The ‘BestInAU’ website routinely scours the Internet to find the best deals, the best articles, and the most useful information for its Australian audience, and recently it carried an article in praise of wooden containers for storage, packaging, and delivery. Information in that article has relevance to people all […]

Project to Implement ISPM 15 Programs in Africa

Project to Implement ISPM 15 Programs in Africa A project lasting approximately 2 1/2 years was concluded in July of 2017 for the evaluation of how the ISPM 15 standard would impact the African countries of Botswana, Kenya, Mozambique, and Cameroon. The ISPM 15 standard is one which relates to treating wood packaging material, so […]

95% of Wood Pallets are Recycled

95% of Wood Pallets are Recycled A recent survey conducted by researchers at Virginia Tech University, in collaboration with the National Wood Pallet and Container Association, and the US Forestry Service, has discovered that approximately 95% of all wooden pallets avoid entering landfills, and are instead either resold, repaired for ongoing usage, or pulverized into […]

Is Wood the New Styrofoam?

Is Wood the New Styrofoam? If you’ve never heard of ‘nanowood’ it probably won’t be long before it becomes the new buzzword. Nanowood is made by removing the filler from wood, which leaves only the bare fibers themselves, creating a material which has demonstrated amazing properties of insulation and has already out-performed other current insulators. […]

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